Lucinda Watkins

Lucinda Watkins

Lucinda Watkins is from Central Alberta where she lives with her husband, 2 kids, 2 dogs, 1 bunny and 1 geriatric chicken.

She spends her free time with her family and runs a non-profit organization that recycles clothing. On her off-season, she teaches group fitness and yoga. She travels the world finding new places to hike.

Lucinda has been a hiking guide since 2018. Offering the opportunity for anyone to join a safe and fun group. The objective for her guided hikes is always fun and connection. There is always time to catch our breath and take a photo. She is certified through OCC (Outdoor Council of Canada) as a Field leader in Hiking, overnight trips, winter hiking, and snowshoeing. She is also an instructor for OCC – teaching outdoor leadership skills. She holds a 40-hour Wilderness first aid certification and keeps safety as a priority.

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